You have probably seen the news Canadian crown, our Liberal regime would like to throw up a few virtue signs to their base, the far-left, at the expense of Canadian history and heritage. They would like us to think Canada’s history is one of social injustice and that we shouldn’t be proud of our heritage. They would like us to fly what has become the global flag of communist oppression, the pride flag. However, the Canadians that came before us and many who are alive today have built this country into what it was before the Liberal regime started to dismantle it. Our history is full of heroes, like Terry Foxx, who ran across the country to raise awareness about the disease that has killed so many. The countless soldiers that went over seas to keep us safe.

They are trying to replace our history with a radical new ideology that is transfixed on race, gender, and sexual identity. All of the things Martin Luther King spoke about were completely erased by an uprising in race based hate perpetrated by this new ideology our government is inflicting on its people. The woke ideology normalises racism and sexism, it says that people should be treated differently because of the colour of their skin, gender, or sexual orientation. It is regressive and poison to democracy, it has had many forms throughout history. Communism and fascism, to name a few, It pits people against each other and then forces people to fit in a certain box, to say certain things, and to fly certain flags or badges, and it is in full swing in Canada.
A crown that used to depict, the faith our nation once held and its history has been replaced by a mockery of the previous design, complete with a snowflake at the top. They have replaced our images with their own. They are rewriting our history into something none of us signed up for.
They have changed our national anthem, our national crown, and now our passports. Removing Canadian heroes and heritage with Pride flags and colourful nonsense.

Our country is being rewritten and our heritage erased by the same people who have let Bill C-11 go through (the censorship bill), are working on Bill C-21 (the hunting rifle ban), and also on Bill C-18 (the news censorship bill). While 2 out of 5 Canadians can’t find a family doctor. While Canadians die in emergency rooms because of the terrible state our healthcare is in. People are choosing to get MAID instead of suffering the pain of hunger, and this is what’s important to them: slapping us in the face while we’re on our knees. This government is destroying the quality of life and the dignity of its people. Enough is enough.
Just a reminder, this is the idiot we are letting destroy our country.