The Canadian military has started a trend around the western world. As more and more blue-haired college students are complaining about how “manly” the military is, our government is taking action.” We took all of the guns and we threw them in a furnace, our soldiers will be using hurtful words instead. With the growing belief that words are violence, I think we’ll be in good shape.”, Commented a senior official.
All this seems to be perfectly reasonable in a world of comfort and offense, but some soldiers aren’t happy. “What are we going to do when they start shooting us? Call them fucking idiots?!”, asked one concerned soldier.
I’m, not a military strategist, so I can’t comment.. however, I hope the enemies of the west also pick up this latest trend. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but those names are like fully automatic weapons unless matched up against real automatic weapons that hurt people.