Jann Wenner and the Problem with Blind Party Allegiance

Jann Wenner was recently on the Joe Rogan Experience, and to be honest, I only tuned into the podcast to hear Joe rip this guy up. Jann is the founder, co-founder, and publisher of Rolling Stone Magazine. “Gunshot victims left waiting as horse dewormer overdoses overwhelm Oklahoma hospitals,” according to a recent Rolling Stone article about Rogan. The horse wormer that they are referencing is Ivermectin. A drug that is not only completely safe but listed as one of the most necessary medications in human history.

Unfortunately, Joe refrained from tearing Jann up in the interview, but I waited and listened in case he did. Jann had some interesting stories about Hunter S. Thompson, one of my all-time favourite writers. Jann has a knack for storytelling and is an articulate, peaceful man. The issue I have with Jann is his complete inability to think critically about the Democratic Party. He made some reference to Joe Biden not being involved in controversy, and Joe had Jamie pull up a couple of reference articles proving that he had. Jann blanket criticised the sources of the articles rather than listened to their evidence. His opinion was unchanged and he could go on supporting and spouting the party’s agenda without a second thought. Jann, like many lifelong liberals, believes that their party is morally superior and that Republicans are inherently evil. This way of thinking is dangerous, as we have seen, as it makes party-partisan people easy to manipulate and unable to think for themselves.

Political preference on either side of the aisle is a cage, as politicians on the right or left have more in common than they do with us, the people. They continue to move forward, taking more money out of the pockets of the people and stuffing it into large corporations and, of course, the parties themselves. The censorship of dissenting voices on Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other vital online forums and services should have enraged everyone, no matter what side of the fence you consider yourself. Silencing dissent is tyranny, full stop. Paypal even went as far as to incorporate a $2500 fine for “spreading misinformation”. We know who controls what is considered misinformation, and they want control of what we can see and what we can’t. They want to control the narrative. They want us to be stupid, blind, dumb, genderless, family-less, and to be perfect little consumers as they get wealthier and grab more and more power from the ashes of our dying rights and freedoms.

We are at war with our governments here in the West, and everyone who is parked in a party camp cannot see the forest for the trees. Dictatorships like China and Russia exist. Nations that were once free are now under tyranny like Iran. We like to believe it can’t happen here, but it is happening here, right now. They are using climate change terrorism to tax our farmers out of profit. They are creating an energy crisis and all-around scarcity. They are using identity politics to have citizens self-censor their thoughts, indoctrinating our kids into sterilisation, and mandating injections of experimental mRNA gene therapies. Jann himself wrote misinformed articles about ivermectin and issued no apology because, in his eyes, he’s towing the liberal line, so it’s a good thing. Many people have done terrible things by listening to parties instead of thinking critically. People like Jann need to wake the fuckup. It’s not left vs. right, it’s the people vs. the government and global corporations. Rolling Stone used to be for rebels; now it’s for sheep.
