Indoctrination Month

While driving one of my sons to school on Friday, from the back seat, my son says, “Oh no, I was supposed to wear red today for the gays.” We usually know about everything our kids have going on in their classes, special days, concerts, etc., so we can get them ready. As he is only in grade 3, it doesn’t make sense that he would need to remember it, but more importantly, we, the parents, were not told on purpose. The school doesn’t want our input because they believe they have the moral authority to teach what they want to our children without our knowledge or consent.

They know a number of parents, and I would hope a majority of parents would not approve of a nine-year-old learning about people’s sexual preferences. That is because we, the parents, are protecting the innocence of our children until they reach the age of true comprehension. I believe that to be a very rational point of view, and the backlash parents get from staff and the community shows us the real illogical and toxic cult we are dealing with.

If we mention our concerns, we are called bigots. Which is an easy way to stop a true discussion, which is very handy when there’s no way to defend your ideology in a debate. It manipulates the public, and it silences parents. There have been protests at schools across Canada and the US, with parents outraged that there are drag shows at elementary schools. So, why are there drag shows at elementary schools? Why is an adult dancing sexually in front of children, and why are school board staff and teachers unapologetically pushing these things on our children against the wishes of their parents?

Well, the answer is simple: they are ideological activists first, and everything else falls second. They believe their ideological moral stance is a high ground that allows them to do whatever they want because it’s in the name of social justice. This is what happened to China under Mao, to Russia under Stalin, and to Germany under Hitler. I realise that sounds hyperbolic, but what all of these countries have in common is that they set a moral standard that the government pushes on children through schools and universities. Creating a generation of state activists that will also believe they are the greater good, the moral authority, and anyone who doesn’t believe in “the cause” is the enemy Many people died at the hands of people who thought they were doing their moral duties.

Before the woke western insanity broke out, our country’s flag was the flag of inclusion. Race didn’t matter; it was integrity and a person’s character that defined them. Now everything is based on race, and they don’t even see the irony. The Antifa terrorist organisation shows up at concerned parent PTA meetings and verbally assaults people, and our government and the police allow it. They’re almost like an unofficial woke police force that operates to shut down dissent against the mind virus. An “anti-facist” organisation, the irony is too much!

What they are pushing for is a complete blind eye to biology, to re-racialize the West, to have everyone walk on eggshells at work and online. They push through bills that infringe on constitutional and chartered rights and call it compassion. The government is embracing this ideology with both arms because it gives them total power. They are now the moral authority and to object to them makes you a bigot. Your individual beliefs mean nothing; everything is for the collective. 

My son was questioned by multiple teachers that day as to why he wasn’t wearing green. He said, “In my family, we believe that the Canadian flag includes everybody.” His teacher made him write a paragraph on why pride was important to him. This is what we are letting happen by not standing up for what we know is right. The only thing that defeats us is bravery.
