Much like what happened when John Cena apologized to China for calling them a country. Corporations and celebrities are apologizing to China for simply calling Taiwan a country. This came as a big shock to Taiwan because they are a country and have been so for quite some time.
“Can they not see us?” asked the Taiwanese Prime Minister. As I interviewed him in Taiwan, I started to ask myself am I even here? Are these people even real? The streets, the food I ate, the motel, the massive dump I took at said real or not real motel.. is all not real? Should I also call up China, and say “I’m sorry, I thought I was in Taiwan, eating their food and speaking with their people.. but I wasn’t none of it is real?”. It turned out that it was real however, I was relieved to see the plane ticket purchase on my credit card statement.
Then why are these celebrities and corporations unable to see Taiwan? It’s almost as if money means more to them than an entire country of people currently being oppressed by China. But I mean that can’t be the case, because that would make them terrible people. I guess we’ll never know.