Many if not most Canadians don’t know what Bill C-11 is. Bill C-11 is an internet censorship bill disguised as a push for more Canadian content online. The CRTC leg of the government will control what we see on social media, YouTube, and streaming services and what content we can upload and share. This bill passed last week.
This may have been the biggest blow to our Canadian democracy in recorded history and most Canadians don’t know about it because our main news source is also government-owned. It’s a propaganda machine that doesn’t seem to care about what this bill will mean for their children and their children’s children. They have completely failed us. Our senate has failed us and every institution and Government representative who let this pass has failed us.
How will Canadians successfully speak out against government action if they cannot be heard on the new forums of today’s technology? How will independent journalists and news organizations publish information about Government overreach and controversy? Here’s a look at how the Prime Minister already regards independent journalists.
What chance will they have now that they simply will be removed by the government? We have lost our country and our voice to Government overreach and virtue signaling disguised as progress. If we do not come together as a nation and demand this government step down or be removed we will live in a Canada that pushes a pretend climate emergency to price us out of food and lodging, Government censorship over freedom of speech, and division through woke politics instead of coming together and fighting these enemies of our freedom.
Our state-owned media is allowing the Liberal Government to push through these overreaching and dangerous bills right under the noses of Canadians without backlash. I called my MP in my region to complain about Bill C-11, and after 7 months of calling and leaving messages, she finally called me back after I threatened to call into a local political radio show. She didn’t even know what Bill C-11 was. I will leave you with what the great Douglas Murray had to say about the CBC.