Bill C-18 has now become law in Canada, and with it the ability for Canadians to share news with each other on Facebook and Instagram comes to an end. This is just the start; the Trudeau regime has been pressuring social media sites to remove anything that doesn’t support their narrative, and removing independent journalism is the next step.
Have you ever asked yourself how Liberal MPs, their affiliates, and the douche in the big chair get away with bold-facedly denying all of the many allocations without any sort of reprimand or punishment? It’s because they fund the CBC, and the CBC is the state news of the country.
So, if a CSIS agent from our own federal investigative body points out that there has been Chinese interference in our elections, the Prime Minister can deny it, hire a close friend (David Johnston) to investigate the allegation, and then completely dismiss any wrongdoing in record time. The CBC can then report on the unfair treatment of David Johnston by anyone and everyone who points out the conflict of interest, and that’s that.
Well, now with Bill C-18, we simply will not hear about the allegation. Dissenters will no longer have a voice with which to question the regime. Liberal voters who cannot see past their party’s bias will call this “progress”.
The Liberal regime doesn’t only use their bought and owned media companies to cover up scandals; they also use them to push through Bills that aren’t in the interests of Canadians, like Bill C-11, which will have our media and web browsing filtered by the CRTC, just like the CCP does in China.
The CBC can paint anyone who questions the bill as “conspiracy theorists” and “Far-right extremists”. Also, they’ve used the media and social media pressure to silence and slander scientists, doctors, epidemiologists, virologists, and the Doctor who created the MRNA vaccine we were all forced to take. Those who happened to hear these men and women of science speak on the ever-increasing risks of the new technology were called sexists and racists by their government, and the state media reprinted these lies without a second of recourse or investigation.
In fact, the CBC itself also just tells bold-faced lies to Canada when it gets called out as government-funded media. Elon Musk called the CBC out for its government-managed propaganda by putting a “Government-funded media” label on its Twitter account. The CBC then made a public statement stating that it wasn’t government-funded, even though 70% ($1.2 billion) was given to the CBC by the Liberal government just last year.
The passing of Bill C-18 is another attack on our freedoms in Canada, and if people do not start standing up to this regime that has infiltrated our strong country, we are going to have many more. Just today I was reading about Bill C-47, which will begin making health products such as vitamins and supplements illegal in Canada, making Canadians even more dependent on pharmaceutical companies. We must go to public forums and say loudly and clearly that we have had enough. No more Bills, and we demand an election. Let’s stay strong and free in the true north!