Trudeau stated he will not answer Rebel News as he does not see them as a legitimate news organization. Possibly because he is not funding them, or that they do actual investigative journalism and that involves questioning his authoritarian agenda. Trudeau seen in the featured pic wearing a letterman jacket (which is totally not douchey) believes that only the news organizations he funds or owns should be allowed to question him. As these questions are easier to answer.
“How frazzling is it to have to answer for the things you’ve done or say?” a fellow liberal party MP told Hypnopus. “It’s easier to let the puppets down at the CBC send someone over and throw a couple of softballs are way” he laughed.
Trudeau calls Rebel news divisive over-reporting scientific findings from doctors that go against vaccine mandates and the liberal party’s pro whatever the WEF says agenda. Some have remarked that Trudeau was once quoted saying that the unvaccinated shouldn’t think that they can sit next to a vaccinated person on a plane or train and that this is a very divisive comment to make.. but what do I know I’m not a divisiologist, we just have to follow the science.