I recently listened to Tim Dillon’s podcast, and his guests were RFK Jr. and his wife Cheryl. As Robert detailed the issues in America, he circled around to Larry Fink and the World Economic Forum. Larry sits on the board of the WEF and is also the head of Blackrock, which is really three companies in one: State Street, Blackrock, and Vanguard. These three companies are the biggest in the world and basically own each other. Under Larry’s leadership, these companies manage 10 trillion dollars in assets. Well, Blackrock is now buying up homes and is on track to own 50% of family homes in the next three years, and with the unbelievable skyrocketing price of homes, it’s becoming even easier to reach their goal.

In Canada, our young families are also not able to afford them as the price of homes has also doubled and, in some places, tripled. Other countries are also feeling the crunch as the price of real estate soars. Not only are houses being bought up by WEF board members, but Bill Gates has been buying up farmland wherever he can. In Canada, farmers are being taxed out of their land, much like in the Netherlands. Pricing them out of their farms, which would then be bought up by corporations.
Isn’t it strange that all of the liberal countries around the world are doing the exact same things at the exact same time? All of the leaders and much of their parties are composed of WEF members who have been listed by name by Klaus Schuab. The out-of-touch head of the World Economic Forum In fact, with the heads of these countries passing bills that limit citizens rights and allow control of housing and farmland to be purchased by WEF-aligned billionaires, it would seem as if the WEF’s promise of “you will own nothing and be happy” by 2030 is being set in motion. Let’s look at how they are going about achieving their one world government plan.
The destruction of the middle class
The price of housing has gone through the roof. Canada, Norway, Sweden, Australia, and New Zealand all have something in common: their leaders are WEF enthusiasts, and working-class citizens cannot afford to buy a house in their country. It’s like a unified chaos in which tent cities are erected in almost every city due to the price of housing and the shutdowns imposed by draconian measures that have seen many businesses close their doors. What an opportunity for a corporation like Blackrock to swoop in and buy up the overpriced real estate, and once they own it all, they can lease it out to upstanding citizens who abide by Blackrock’s imposed regulations and guidelines. These people really will own nothing, but I don’t know how happy they’ll be about it.

During COVID, we saw the biggest distribution of wealth from the middle class to the elite class in history. Now the cost of living has gone up significantly on all fronts, and our money is being sent to different countries to fight nonsensical wars and fund silly projects like fighting climate change in other countries. Our infrastructure is broken, and the governments are doing nothing to make its people whole again; instead, they are making it worse. They are making us much poorer in unison.

The George Floyd slaying in the United States tore the country apart, with violent riots and finger-pointing happening all over the western world. Black Lives Matter and their members began calling everything racist, and if you call yourself not racist, that’s just because you are too racist to understand how racist you are. Companies hired racial consultants to come into companies and tell people they are inheritantly racist and that subconsciously they are thinking racist thoughts, and those need to be addressed. If you disagree with this training, you are labelled as having white fragility and could even face termination from your role.
In Canada, everything is now based on race, sexual identity, and gender. The WEF’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) system is in full motion. This system not only usurps civil rights in the Western world by normalizing racism, but it also puts people into roles not based on their competence and experience but solely on their race, gender, or sexual identity. If you apply for a job in Canada, you will need to fill out a questionnaire identifying your race, gender, and whether you are part of a “marginalized community”. Straight white males, because of their race, gender, and sexual identity, will have a harder time getting into leadership positions and finding good jobs. This racism is called progress in 2023 here in Canada. My sons are considered at the bottom of the racial, gender, and sexual identity hierarchy.
Speaking of normalizing racism, normalizing people who identify as another sex is also incredibly important to our governments, and the corporation CEO’s are involved in the WEF nowadays. Larry Fink, an interview about transgender people, said “We must change the way people think”.

Strange way to put that, Larry. I wondered why this became the hill many companies like Bud Light and government bodies seem to blindly risk dying on. Men using women’s changing rooms, going to women’s prisons, and participating in women’s sports all seemed like something we could all agree on five years ago. However, this is not the case now. In fact, if you complain about a man who identifies as a woman getting naked in front of your little girl in the femlae change room at a pool, the CBC will right an article labelling you as a far-right racist extremist and would throw in a little “no space for hate” and all of the other propaganda-based rhetoric designed to silence concerned parents and push forth the narrative that the biological fact of sex and gender isn’t true and that there’s something wrong with you for thinking it is.
It took remembering back to George Orwell’s 1984 to figure out what this was all about. It demoralizes people into compliance. It breaks people when they are forced to publicly acknowledge a non-truth. Every time you keep quiet out of fear of being ostracized, it demoralizes you. We all know men are not women, and women are not men. If someone feels like they are the opposite sex, that can be real, and they should be treated with dignity, but they are not really the sex they feel like they are, and putting kids in danger to facilitate the delusion is dangerous and insane.
Propaganda networks
CBC received 1.2 billion in funding last year from the Trudeau regime. When called out by Elon Musk, they denied it, even though it is true and can be found with a simple Google search. The CBC is so owned by the Liberal Government that it has even adopted its PR strategy by simply denying damning allegations, no matter how evident they are.

The CBC is the propaganda tool of our government. It slanders political rivals, covers up Liberal corruption, and muddies the waters of actual issues. For example, the bills that were passed through, like Bill C-11, were completely downplayed. Bill C-11 was passed through our senate after a few attempts. One Senator remarked that this bill will have ramifications for the Charter of Rights and Bill C-18, which is the reason Canadians cannot share news on social media.
If you look on the CBC website, it will push the Liberals’ narrative that “big social media” companies are denying Canadians news, when the truth is, it was known before the bill was passed that social media companies were not on board with paying for every shared news story and that independent news organizations like Rebel News depend on freely distributed stories, and no one asked for this bill to come into play. But it has worked out beautifully for the Liberal Party. Independent news organizations, which are the only places Canadians can go to read dissident opinions, have been silenced, and Liberal propaganda machines like the CBC and CTV can keep spewing rhetoric to the masses without any pushback.
The US also has its own propaganda machines, like CNN and Fox News. The UK has the BBC. I believe any major news organization in the Western world is owned and operated by the government in one way or another. Some are more apparent than others.
Government censorship
When Dr. Robert W. Malone went on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast in December of 2021, the internet went mad. Here was a medical doctor with nine patents on the mRNA vaccine, openly criticizing its safety and efficacy. Everyone in Canada was mandated to inject this vaccine in order to be able to go to a restaurant, workout at a gym, or leave the country. People world-wide were publicly terrorizing the hesitant with threats and insults, and a doctor with direct ties to technology was saying the opposite of governments and their loyal agenices.

What surprised me the most after hearing this very sobering 3-hour interview in which Dr. Mallone spoke with expertise on mRNA was that people were not united in their outrage. Instead, the governments of the world took their propaganda machine to the next level. Dr. Mallone and any doctor who was not aligned with the government’s narrative were kicked off social media and YouTube and slandered in the press. The term misinformation was born, and now the government is using that term to remove anything from the internet that it deems unaligned with its views. This includes speaking critically about WEF, vaccines, and vaccine injuries.
In Canada, because of the bills mentioned, our internet is filtered and censored by our government, similar to the fashion in which China censors its own internet. We cannot share news stories; we cannot find Google results based on fact, but only what is labelled to be permitted by our government, and starting next month, even podcasts will need to go through the CRTC to be regulated.
Erasing science with ideology
As mentioned earlier, woke ideology states that men can be women and women can be men. An ideology that corporations and the government have fully adopted. So much so that instead of calling a woman a mother when she has a baby, they are being called “birthing persons”. One of the most cherished jobs on earth has been reduced to “birthing person” or “chest feeder” to appease a small segment of mentally ill people. This goes both against nature and science, and boy oh boy does the government like to bring up “the science” whenever it tries to bring up the gene therapy it pressured everyone to get, but that same science is thrown out the window when gender ideology is concerned.
There are some real discussions that need to take place when it comes to all of the issues we are facing today, but public discussions would lead. to resolutions, and the government can’t have resolutions because it would unify our country again, making it very difficult. to move us in the direction it needs to.
Wearing masks (even though they have been proven to do nothing against spreading and catching COVID), getting boosters, and believing gender is a social construct have become beliefs Liberal party loyalists cultishly adopt, and no amount of proof or reason can change their stance. Sadly, this formulation of ideology is the very thing that is eroding our society and dragging us into either communism or the corporation-headed hell the WEF has planned for us.
Mass Immigration
Another issue that a lot of countries are facing is a strange wave of mass immigration. States like New York, a self-proclaimed “sanctuary state,” are facing an immigration crisis. In moderation, immigration makes sense, but borderless immigration pushed into an already COVID-ravaged infrastructure is a tough choice for governments to make.
Here in Canada, our services, like medical care, are tax-funded and government-controlled. If you get injured, the wait to see your family doctor can take several weeks (at least in my part of Canada), so you will need to avail of the underfunded Canadian hospital emergency services. Expect to wait 12–18 hours to see a doctor. We have had Canadians die in waiting rooms, just waiting to see a doctor.
The mandates put a number on emergency staff, and now with millions of immigrants coming into Canada, the healthcare system will need to bear the weight of them.
It’s also strange that Canadians needed proof of vaccine to leave the country, but immigrants are free to come in with no proof of vaccine. From what I can tell, the unified game plan is to dilute the population with people who do not share the values of the nation. You cannot have a one-world government if there are patriotic countries out there waiting to fight back, or possibly with the push to remove IDs from voters and to have immigrants turned into citizens as quickly as possible, it’s simply to harvest votes.
Erasing Culture
On the topic of removing patriotism from countries, it seems that every western government has been pushing out the message that the culture of our countries is terrible and our history is only based on hate and violence. In Canada, our patriotic symbols and people were removed from our passports to be replaced by gender fluid nonsense and nothingness.

All around the world, the heroes of the western world are having their statues torn down and defaced. Wounds from hundreds of years ago are being ripped back open to start racial tensions and anti-West rhetoric.
A “mass grave” of native children was reported here in Canada by the news and the Trudeau regime, all of which had no proof backing it. No bodies were found, and all evidence of a mass grave was fabricated, yet the country was told how evil their history is, and we even had some churches burned down by left-wing ideologues. Our national anthem was changed, the symbolism of the crown of Canada changed to be more woke, and our military paraded around with the pride flag instead of the flag of our country.
In fact, it would seem that the pride flag is being pushed as the universal flag of the western world. The crosswalks have been replaced with them, and the police in Ontario were actually trying to hunt down the person who left tire marks on them as a possible hate crime. This is Russia’s “workers of the world unite” stuff right here. The pride flag, just like with bills the government baked transgender into. the flag, so if you mention any nuance on the subject, they can claim you are intolerant of gay people, for the flag is gay people, and gay people are the flag in the eyes of the media. It is a great tool for shutting down important conversations. The government is poor on the history of our flag and instead holds the pride flag up as an untouchable saving grace that does nothing but divide. The perfect flag for the WEF’s future world government
Climate change
Isn’t it strange that right after the pandemic, which was much more like the flu, there is a new emergency brewing—the same emergency that has been talked about for the past 60 years? Climate change is real; we know this, but the elephant in the room is that the data does not line up with the emergency message. The amount of carbon in the atmosphere is.4%; at.2%, vegetation begins to die.
Every year we have forest fires in provinces like Alberta, but this year there was an increase in the number of fires and the provinces they were found in. After an investigation, it was found that over 50% of them were man-made. The government still went ahead and claimed climate change. It is funny that when the regime is trying to push through things like no more fossil fuels in Canada, an increasing number of arsonists start forest fires across the country. It’s the same group world wide, backing up highways by sitting in the road, defacing historical art with paint and gluing themselves to floors in public. The are blind zealots riled up by a captured government.

So what does the government plan to do about climate change? Well, completely get rid of fuel sources like oil and have everyone on the electric grid. Also, they plan to have everyone switch to electric vehicles. On the surface, this sounds like a great idea if you’re a college kid with a brain full of your woke university’s bullshit, but actually, electric vehicles are manufactured using coal energy and other fuels. The batteries are made from cobalt that was manufactured by actual modern-day African slaves in the Congo. The amount of carbon you would be saving from floating into the air by switching to a vehicle that can’t go as far and cannot be refuelled quickly is not very much. However, your vehicle would be easily switched off remotely for, say, disobedience. Also, if the government wanted to institute a lockdown, they could just turn off the power grid, and people would no longer be able to heat their homes or drive their vehicles safely.
That was long-winded. I thank you for reading it until the end. We are all watching as our middle class (the backbone of democracy) gets ripped apart. Mandates, forced closures, and inflation are eating us alive. Food is more expensive, housing is more expensive, and fuel is more expensive. On top of that, our borders have been opened up, and our countries are flooded with people who need jobs, food, and healthcare. As we scrape to get by, our governments are pilfering our money and sending it off to “fight climate change” in other countries and wars that have no end and make no sense.
Our governments are introducing and rushing through more bills that infringe on our rights and freedoms. In Canada, our government censors what we can see online, the news we can share, and the information sources we can view. It is continuing to debank dissenting Canadians. All of this is happening as our state-owned propaganda machines cover it up, attack political opponents, and downplay regime corruption. You cannot search for information on Google any longer because the search results are based on the government’s narratives. Your posts will be fact-checked for divergent views, and you will not be searchable if you cause too much of a problem online. We are in a position where political zealots will look the other way at any negative thing the government does. There is talk of digital IDs, which would further their control.
Trudeau is the WEF’s head puppet, and everything we are facing right now in Canada comes directly from the board of the forum. We have elected these traitors into our system, and they are breaking it down in preparation for 2030, when the governments of the world and giant corporations can come together and do whatever they want that best suits their bottom line. Anyone who calls this conspiracy theory is either not paying attention or is willingly ignorant of the systematic crumble we are going through in our western countries. We are the countries that people from oppressive nations come to to seek safety; when we fall, there will be nowhere left to run.